Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cause of Deforestation

                                                          Cause of Deforestation
            Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. According to the United Nation`s Framework Convention on climate change secretariat, the overwhelming direct cause of deforestation is agriculture. Subsistence farming is responsible for 48% of deforestation; commercial agriculture is responsible for 32% of deforestation; logging is responsible for 14% of deforestation and fuel wood removals make up 5% of deforestation.
            Deforestation is a consequence of over-exploitation of our natural ecosystems for space, energy and materials. The basic reasons for such extensive deforestation are;
1. Expansion of Agriculture
            Expending agriculture is one of the most important cause of deforestation. As demands on agricultural products rise more and more land is brought under cultivation for which forests are cleared, grass-lands ploughed, uneven ground leveled, marshes drained and even land unclear water is reclaimed. However, this expansion is usually marked with more ecological destruction than rationality. Governments often distribute land under forests to landless people, instead of redistributing already established farm- lands, howsoever, wasteful, unequal and unjust the distribution of ownership of land may be.
            Nothing is done to assess the fertility of the forest soil before clearing it for farming. In tropical regions of the world as much of the mineral is lodged in the plant biomass, its removal takes away a large part of nutrients. The soil being poorer is unable to support farming for long durations. One`s agriculture fails, the cleared land is put to use as cattle ranches which too is a hopeless business. The bread soil is subjected to massive erosion and degradation.

2. Extension of cultivation on Hill slopes.
            Outside humid tropical zone, in most of the third world countries, major forests often occur on hill tops and slopes. Though agriculture has nearly always been concentrated on plains and floors of valleys, farming on narrow flat steps cut one after another across the slope or terrace farming is an age-old practice. It has never been extensive because of the gruelling labour and law productivity.
            However, the ever rising human numbers and their necessities have forced many to go up to mountain slopes for cultivation. More and more slopes are cleared of plants steps carved out and against many add cultivation is attempted. After few crops the productivity declines and torrential sub-tropical rains carry dawn massive quantities of precious top soils to streams and rivers. While denuding hill slopes. The silt and sediments settle further down raising steam bottoms and river beds aggravating the flood situation.

3. Hydroelectric dams.
            Hydro-electric dams are quite controversial because while they help to power communities, they also contribute to deforestation. Damming opponents believe that the building of such structures not only has a negative environmental impact but also opens up the area to loggers and more roads. To builds a hydroelectric dam, acres of land must be flooded, which causes decomposition and release of greenhouse gases. Local people can also be displaced by dam project, causing further deforestation when these people resettle elsewhere.

3. Wildfires
            Fires accidental and intended destroy acres of forest very quickly. Areas affected by logging are more susceptible to fires duo to number of dried, dead trees. Milder winters and extended warm seasons due to global warming also fuel fires.

4. Mining
            Mining also affects on deforestation. Digging a coal, diamond or gold mine requires the removal of all forest cover, not just for the mines but also for trucks and equipment. Recently, Venezuela denied a corporation called Crystallex permission to dig a mine because of environmental concerns.
            On the other hand cities larger to accommodate more people, trees are cut dawn to make many rooms for houses and roads. This urban sprawl causes to deforestation which occurring worldwide. Now 50 percent of the world`s population live in cities.
            According to these causes more workable solution is, to carefully manage forest resources by eliminating clear cutting to make sure that forests environments remain intact. When cutting trees within our uses should be balanced by the planting of enough young trees to replace the older ones felled in any given forest. The number of new trees plantation is growing each year, but their total is still equal a tiny fraction of the Earth`s forested land.

By  Rev. Keeripitiya Rathanawansha
University of Kelaniya
Sri Lanka

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